Casters helping at melee ?


Dalayan Beginner
I was wondering...

As Meditation process is different here than on live and as it's somewhat very slow when a group enters "combat mode"...

I am wondering what are expecting high level groups from casters...

I mean on live groups were expecting casters to sit on their ass meditating from A to Z as it was the same process in/out combat, just looking at combat situation and casting spells when they had to...

But as here Meditation is different i wanted to know if SoD groups were expecting casters to move their lazy ass :haw: to go help at melee during "combat mode", where meditation process is somewhat really slowed, and then go back quickly to Meditation Mode as soon as the mob is nearly dead to re-enter a fast meditation process.

As SoD provides casters better melee skills, i would think it was the purpose to help true melee classes...

but i am just lvl 40 and so i am perhraps wrong and it's why i am asking if someone could light me on this subject.

I myself like a lot to go melee from time to time, but is it bad seen by other people ? even if casters skills were greatly improved compared to live... i am at 160 piercing with my chanter when i was stuck before 100 on live if i remember well the old days... sounds like to me it should help... but then again i am perhrarps wrong on how it's working at high levels.

thanks for any answers on the subject.
I'll often melee depending on the zone we are in and whether or not I am tied down with other jobs such as mezing / charming (which is often the case as an enchanter) however, even with illusions which boost attack, great haste, and a very nice weapon (irandos) I don't often connect with mobs.

and god forbid irandos procs once in a while :mad:
Int casters really need not bother as you'll very rarely connect. Pacing yourself and lots of FT is the best way to keep the grind going.
I can say as a Shaman melee has never really been much of a optoin. Thiers always a buff/Debuff/Dot/Heal/Or just Canni to throw every fight.
Pretty much pure casters are going to be busy doing whatever their class is made to do to even think about meleeing. A cleric with their ancent hammer is pretty much the only exception but only a really highly tiered cleric will do any sort of damage
I always melee and nuke with my druid (empower + divine rage AA). Well, I don't melee if I'm casting targettable AEs, but otherwise of course yes. The proc crits for around 800 damage (and I don't even have a single tome completed).
If you're not in danger of taking AE or whirlwind or ramp damage then theres no reason not to I guess but most casters wont be putting out a ton of dps with melee anyways. The 35/20 ratio on my irandos looks really cool but I have 850 atk.

edit: lol fomelo says 850 but in game I have a paltry 642 with cotp and sham stats on
diolas said:
Int casters really need not bother as you'll very rarely connect. Pacing yourself and lots of FT is the best way to keep the grind going.

Yea, I'd have to agree.

I honestly can't imagine meleeing in most serious (raid or) xp situation. If I'm low on mana I'm medding. There have been a few rare occasions where we're raiding an AE'ing mob and medding is nearly impossible. When I'm OOM I might run in closer to melee for the hell of it and cast an additional nuke or two when able, or If I'm goofing around with friends while XPing I might melee to get up a skill as well, in between nukes and medding.
ryutakin said:
Tyrone I can remember you doing some serious Deyranni ass kicking with Irandos don't lie to them

I parsed dps on that fight from manaburn not from whacking away, also I call shenanigans because I haven't done Deyranni since I skilled 1hb past 30.
i never did it as a wizard, maybe sometimes when in a guild group or with friends goofing around, but never in a normal group. why? someone always whines about it...better to just sit. then again that wizzy was on live.
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