The Dare Game MkII

Double dare monk war!

The competition between you two is fierce, and it seems direct combat challenges will only be decided by chance. A few missed hits here or there, a failed mend, will be the deciding factor.

Your dare is to PVP flag (unflagging during raids is fine, but any other time your name must be red) and seek eachother out, using your Ible Gull's Accurate trunceon as your primary weapons. Whoever gets first weapon taunt is declared the winner of that fight, and the fight is over, and you can not challenge eachother again in that zone. Get in as many fights as you can with your trunceon, and post the results in screenshot form in one weeks time, and the winner will be declared.

Manguadi, youll need to petition for one.



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K, I've been doing it in shout. I'm just wondering if I'm supposed to screenshot it, or if spamming alone is enough.
If it counts with death effects then it's just going to turn into a massive griefing episode. I move to annul the athica duel.
more like learn to not bind pvp flagged DURING A RAID in the BUSIEST CITY IN THE GAME when you have an ONGOING DUEL with another player.

Assign me a dare
Multov, 65 cleric

The life of a cleric is pretty ho hum. Heal. Buff. Heal. Buff. Heal. Buff. You need some excitement.

Your dare is to take up basejumping. Pictures of buffless free falls from great heights is what im looking for. 10 at the least.
Assign me a dare

Sateru, 65 Mage

Humans are well known as being completely blind without assistance. Humans named Sateru are known for being clumsy, and breaking/dropping/misplacing items that improve their vision.

Your dare is to find 10 items that improve your vision, excluding the ones you can summon for yourself. That way you can break 3, lose 2, and still be able to see perfectly fine.
more like learn to not bind pvp flagged DURING A RAID in the BUSIEST CITY IN THE GAME when you have an ONGOING DUEL with another player.


If you want this to be about winning instead of having fun then it's just going to get worse and worse.
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