The Dare Game MkII


Success! At first noble Blinky and his friend Claudeus were deaf to Tyronia's pleas, but they came around!

Tyronia's efforts with Szriko were not as successful.

Chamae is taking some convincing:

A strange little monster named Lilliana came by and taunted me with food for a while before finally giving up a mushroom. Also some guy is interested in molesting fifteen-year-old Tyronia.

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After hanging around for a while, Gomr hooked it up with some Squirrels, and a lusty pirate made an appearance.

Naive young Tyronia is too trusting around older men...

Szriko has been attempting to foil Tyronia, but noble Ponolus sees through him!

Nah, that's just a small window I play in when I'm busy doing other stuff.

I still use the same UI, just in a lot bigger screen so there's no cluttering.
When dares collide, hillarity ensues. I laughed thru the Chamae dialog, but I chortlecried thru Lilliana's dialog. I had to take a break from reading this when the pirate showed up. Holy Crap, Ikaa's a freaking genius.
"The local mages guild #314 is issuing a magewide mandatory strike. They claim that groups and raids are trying to exclude mages while bringing in their pets for loot and funsies. This can not stand.

In protest, your dare is to use nothing but your level 4 pet spells for the entire week. (no pet spells but your level 4s. everything else is fine.)"

SO we now present to you: Casi Revolución: The Story of Odyn's Marginally Successful Strike

*Note* The picture that have Pride/Lust and the picture that has Big Gluttony are both very old ones. Pride/Lust one was when Jayelle still played (Lust was her pet, used to be Supershamgar) and Big Gluttony was when I first got Spell: Defender of Sihala.

Casi Revolución: The Story of Odyn's Marginally Successful Strike

Pride is a big, strong, relic-type elemental. There he is a long time ago, standing next to his best friend, Lust.

It was a short while ago that Odyn was called over to the Newport Magician's guild, Del Jarls wished to have a word with him. Upon arrival, Del Jarls laboriously explained the situation, and after much deliberation, Odyn decided to go on strike!

The strike involved him not using his strongest elemental conjurings. By that, I don't mean a slightly lesser elemental, such as the Gluttony shown in this picture:

But Odyn would be working with THIS Gluttony!

Odyn wasn't very worried. After all, how hard could it be to get a group without Pride? Odyn miscalculated greatly though. No one at all wanted to group with him! He began to go slightly mad, and began to turn to the Taldorians for help. They gave him 'something to ease the pain'.

Not even his own brother, Tyrsell, would group with him. He just sat around, making fun of Odyn and tormenting him!

Eventually, Odyn got ahold of his bestest friend Onadan. Odyn asked him to hang out, Onadan knew nothing of the Mage strike yet. Odyn and Onadan decided to go to the Western Wastes and perhaps hunt some worms.

After a bit of tracking, Odyn and Onadan spotted a worm!

Without any hesitation, Odyn sent Wrath in to attack, Onadan began to heal...

...But it didn't work...

After a hectic escape to Siren's Grotto, Odyn summoned Greed, to see if perhaps he would have better luck in his native element...

...But it didn't work...

After escaping Siren's Grotto, Odyn and Onadan decided to try for something even less ambitious...

By that, I of course mean...Dragon Necropolis!

Odyn summoned Envy, and the three began to run to the rat... but instead of rats, they found something very much not a rat. It was...A DRAGON!!

Despite the terrible odds, Onadan and Odyn and Envy fought hard... Envy tried his hardest. But it was all for naught. Onadan was swallowed....somehow. And shortly after Envy and Odyn were ground into a fine, snort-able powder and brought with the dragon.

Fortunately...they got better.
Unfortunately, their relationship suffered greatly. Onadan, shocked and appalled that they died in the Dragon Necropolis, lashed out at Odyn. This betrayal brought Odyn to tears, the anger in Onadan's voice striking a cord in his heart that caused him to cry out in distress. His tears affected him on a deep and personal level as Onadan rooted him to the boat upon which he had been abandoned.

And Tyrsell was still tormenting him

Now a bit of proof that I've been using the level 4 Elementalkins the entire time

Lil' Wrath in Upper Thaz Water Wing

Lil' Greed in Upper Thaz Water Wing

Lil' Gluttony in Upper Thaz Water Wing (Notice Belo's pet Adnon, far larger than my Gluttony v_v)

Lil' Envy in Upper Thaz Fire Wing

No pictures of me in exp groups cause I can't actually get any, lol.
Dare completed, but... I don't get it... The man gave me a ring... But didn't ask for my hand...?

Did I do something wrong? I mean, I know there are different traditions for this, but I gave him the mandatory 4 sheep and a batch of Froglock meat... What more does he want? =(

Now, all I have is a ring, and bitter memories...

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Dare completed! Thanks to those who gave me maps or sold me maps~

Links were sent via IRC to avoid X rated content on Chillville.

Congratulations on completing your dare! Due to the caliber of your challenge, and the fact that there is little to offer a player at your tier, the gods have decided to grant your wish. You are now the first and only Iksar Bard.
Congratulations on completing your dare! Due to the caliber of your challenge, and the fact that there is little to offer a player at your tier, the gods have decided to grant your wish. You are now the first and only Iksar Bard.

Awesome, thanks a bunch for running this Ikaa and thank you for the reward!
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