World Map


Dalayan Pious Diety
Once upon a time, there was a contest about making a map for the game we all play. But apparently the chosen one who was proclaimed winner and asked to make a map never delivered - atleast I never saw a map.

So I went ahead and made a map of my own. (Planes are not there on purpose, cause they are different planes of existance by definition..)

it looks nice. Need to get it in higher resolution though so we can read it! And what direction is O?
Really great job. If I may point out a corple of things I noticed off the bat...

"Crytho Malath" should be "Cyrtho Malath", I believe.

Are all (non-Ikisith) zones supposed to be documented? I didn't see any Heartlands off of Badlands. I'm suspecting that your intention was not to include all zones, though.

Again, GREAT job!
Wow, you did an amazing job. Thank you for this.
For the sake of being complete, can you add the Heartlands?
Map updated to include Heartlands (and Undercaverns).

It is supposed to include ALL zones with the following exceptions:
  • Planes, wich means everything that is reached by Alter Plain: XXX Spells. This includes Thaz!
  • Ikisith zones.
  • Consecutive Dungeons. Only the first of each series is there. (Ex: Halls of Mielech is there, Keep of Mielech and Lair of Mielech not)
  • Cities that consist of multiple zones are listed only once.
  • Zones that are accessible explicitly only from a town. This means Undercity, Oggok Mines and Erudin Palace specifically.

If I forgott about any zone that is not covered by the above list, please let me know!
It looks beautiful. Bravo!! Isn't there an island in the middle of the sea of storms though? The one with a volcanic pit in the middle?
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