/cm raiddestroy command


Dalayan Master
Any way the /cm raiddestroy command could be put back in, at least temporarily? Iirc it let any member of a raid blow up the raid, which would be super handy atm...
I tried this before to no avail. While I'm glad @Rymy unexpectedly gave /cm refresh back to us, /cm raiddestroy didn't get the same treatment.

I assume the 2.0 code for the command (which dates back to 2008) was incompatible with 2.5's more complicated raid code in some way. Or maybe it was simply overlooked. Or maybe its reimplimentation was resisted because it would be a redundancy or "easy way out" when, at the time, the fabled group/raid bugfix unicorn constantly seemed to be just one good weekend away. :(

Here's hoping your post gains the traction mine didn't.
I'd really really really really rather just go with the huge overhaul I spent 2 months doing to restore group/raids to actually work opposed to trying to tweak the current abomination that group/raids are currently which is really hard to predict/test what else might break. But if I continue to get no support from people that aren't around here I'm been contemplating looking for a small fix to make things less awful. Just hoping @Jumbers comes back soon...
Since talking hack fixes here is my idea though it may or may not be possible. I don't have sufficient information for that. I have a programming background but no experience with the code in question so I am making a lot of assumptions.

if the patch can be applied at zone level on a zone reboot maybe could get it installed by rebooting zone by zone in rapid succession for an effective server reboot. if done at sufficient speed and with notice to players to avoid certain functions for a little while or log off could prevent some of the mess of the two systems temporarily co-existing. Then just reboot again any zones that got messed up assuming they don't just crash reboot. I am guessing this could be done by someone lower on the totem pole if they got permission if it is just a matter of no one having access to the master switch.
95% sure I fixed the bug that caused global raid chat / forced people to disband raid whenever wanting to change things.
So with that, I could implement /cm raiddestroy but it should be useless now.
Remember as we go from incredibly horribly bad raids just back down to bad raids, the first 2 people that were invited will bug the group out if they leave. Also, If a group disbands and you re-invite that group to the raid they will be floating in the raid. (These are the bugs I've fixed in my re-write but I'm still waiting on permissions to be able to push/test that live).
Now I'm just waiting for someone to restart/rolling restart to push this.
Jumbers did a rolling restarts that has probably effected every zone except maybe athica. Have you had to be able to reinvite people without completely destroying the raid?
did a 3hr raid in turruj today, we formed the raid once and never swapped anyone so we didnt exactly test anything =(
Has anyone seen the "Invite failed" message when trying to invite someone to a group now? Or is global raid chat still a thing? (Rolling restart should have effected all zones unless there's a zone like athica that hasn't been left unpopulated).
From what I could see last night we were able to invite people into groups without reforming the whole raid. Apparently people in Athica were able to see the raid chat, but no one else was mentioning if they could see in other zones. After one group leader left we had to reform the raid; couldn't just reform the one group and invite back in.
Raidchat is currently just bleeding through into athica , inviting to formed groups in a formed raid seems to be working. Thanks guys for getting things moving again on the fixes front /salute
I'm all for someone force crashing athicaa once just to get rid of that annoyance and get it on the current patch. Be courteous if you do this please!
force crashing can be done by dropping a celestial well on top of another celestial well, I shall go try it in athica now.
Sweet, if everyone sees global raid chat or can't fix the "Invite failed" message please report.
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