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  1. Dimmi

    I re-found a thing WOLDAFF

    Dear Wold, I never got my reward for completing my Dare Challenge Thing Stuff 5 years ago. Fix plz, xoxo, Dimmi
  2. Dimmi

    Happy Birthday Hikage

    I love you, super-cool-guy <3 I'd post this in chillville but I fear it would be quickly entombed.
  3. Dimmi


    So I logged in last night and noticed that Impetus had its worn effect changed to a clicky so I went to move it from the item with a clicky to an item without a clicky and it poofed and I cried and asked myself if this was intentional or not. I know other people have moved the aug around...
  4. Dimmi


    If anyone's headin' that way, I need 2 Marvelous Gleaming Pearls from NDHK, will stab dragons and earn my keep, just send me a tell if you're going and I'm online!
  5. Dimmi

    Rogue Stamina System Discussion

    I went to bed last night with no ideas at all for this, but when I woke up I had like, maybe 1 or 2 ideas. Currently rogues basically have /s 2 (aggressive), /s 5 (no aggro generation), /s 6 (+accuracy/damage), /s 9 (nimible), and /s 11 (spell dodge) that are fairly useful at most tiers...
  6. Dimmi

    AA Scaling

    It was mentioned a few times in the necro/FC thread that some AA abilities become pretty well obsolete on several classes. Would like to discuss this and bring up suggestions for possible things to make them do stuff again. I don't know other classes very well, so I'm gonna go ahead and...
  7. Dimmi

    Bye Forever

    I have to go do RL stuff. I will miss you SoD, and cherish you, but you get no alimony Bye Forever! or at least for now. Now if you'll excuse me, back to defiling my friend's wife...
  8. Dimmi

    Selling Mitigation 2

    WTS Tome of Bodily Resilience II, shoot me a tell in-game or a forum PM and it's all gone ALL GONE grats REDACTED
  9. Dimmi

    @ Dev-Marza

    I don't post sloppy kissy threads often....but.... You, sir....have mah babies. I've had the pleasure of repeatedly dying to a lot of Marza's content in the new expansion, and even the fights that are terribly broken are fun as hell. There aren't any "gimmicks" or "tricks" to the fights...
  10. Dimmi

    Throwing Questions

    So, I've done some poking around, and a few there a haste cap on Throwing? Also why does Crystal of Everfrozen Shards from pofrost have a recast =(
  11. Dimmi

    In the spirit of recent bank-saving nomlicousness

    Key-rings kick ass. Kinda gave me an idea about gate necks... Would it be possible to have a quest/something to get a gate neck that would, idk, maybe as an example, take you to a seperate locked room in your house, where you have access to nothing but an NPC that you can hail and /cm d#...
  12. Dimmi

    Melted Circuits

    So...I was cruising through my bank the other day, and found my Melted Circuits hiding out in a corner, and they struck me as odd, and possibly incomplete as an item. It's Range Slot/Ammo Slot, 0.1 wt, and +35 sv Magic and drops from the heartland undercaverns wru clicky? Some people...
  13. Dimmi

    Skulking Visage

    I've talked with several rogues about this one, seems to have some fair support: would there be any merit/practical ability to change Skulking Visage from straight reduced aggro generation from behind the mob to increased evade success? I've talked to some rogues that didn't do the AA for a...
  14. Dimmi

    Main Quest Faction Redemption

    Disclaimer *I'm still on my first toon, and never played EQ Live, expect ignorance!* It would be fabulous if there was a way to redeem yourself and rise from KoS to the MQ factions, similar to the Redeemer in Newport, for those not bound to a faction yet. I'm sure there are many stories out...
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