AoE Spells/Items


Dalayan Elder
Army of Exile is offering the following items/spells. Please make a post or PM me and the item or spell will be sent to you immediately.

Lvl 61 - 90p
Lvl 62 - 175p
Lvl 63 - 275p
Lvl 64 - 375p
Lvl 65 - 500p

I will no longer be listing spells, but will instead be keeping an updated image.


Last edited:
63 Blissful Light
65 Yaulp VI
63 Circle of Vitality
64- Legacy of Spine
64 Talisman of the Mammoth
64- Meteor Swarm

I will buy all of those for these

Lvl 61 - 90p
Lvl 62 - 175p
Lvl 63 - 275p
Lvl 64 - 375p
Lvl 65 - 500p

You can send them to Aisling.
Everything was sent, someone had already purchased Blissful Light and Circle of Vitality off my listsold, however.
Please send to Timothy:

65 Dissolvement of Shadows 1950pp

61 Spellskin
61 Void Flare
62 Relak's Rapid Rending
63 Impact of Thunder 300pp
63 Frostflame 300pp
65 Tears of the Void 750p

Thank you.
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