Bard Instruments

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| name                             | bardtype | bardmod |
| Mother's Iron Kettle             |     Wind |     1.2 | 
| Flittering Wing                  |     Wind |     1.2 | 
| Slate Greaves                    |     Wind |     1.2 | 
| Tiny Tin Whistle                 |     Wind |     1.2 | 
| Windruffled Feather              |     Wind |     1.3 | 
| Wind Chime Earring               |     Wind |     1.4 | 
| Fluted Baton                     |     Wind |     1.5 | 
| Vambraces of the Requiem         |     Wind |     1.5 | 
| Icefeather Talon                 |     Wind |     1.5 | 
| Skycaller's Helm                 |     Wind |     1.6 | 
| Enchanted Loincloth              |     Wind |     1.6 | 
| Graceful Tentacle                |     Wind |     1.6 | 
| Vambraces of Dissonance          |     Wind |     1.6 | 
| Cloak of the Wind                |     Wind |     1.7 | 
| Whistling Stone                  |     Wind |     1.8 | 
| Pendant of the Wind              |     Wind |     1.8 | 
| Boots of the Shifting Currents   |     Wind |     1.8 | 
| Chunk of Balagan                 |     Wind |     1.8 | 
| Needle Crown                     |     Wind |     1.8 | 
| Entropic Flesh                   |     Wind |     1.9 | 
| Stone of Echoing Screams         |     Wind |     1.9 | 
| Cincture of the Scourged         |     Wind |     2.0 | 
| Erroded Armguards                |     Wind |     2.0 | 
| Rex Galea                        |     Wind |     2.0 | 
| Crocbone Flute                   |     Wind |     2.0 | 
| Pole of Puccalo                  |     Wind |     2.0 | 
| Minotaur Horn                    |     Wind |     2.0 | 
| Shadowed Heart                   |     Wind |     2.0 | 
| Pixie Flute                      |     Wind |     2.0 | 
| Flute                            |     Wind |     2.0 | 
| Tiny Little Gnawed Flute         |     Wind |     2.1 | 
| Whistling Bracelet of Harmony    |     Wind |     2.1 | 
| Athuai's Wind Barrier Cloak      |     Wind |     2.1 | 
| Scrimshaw Blowgun                |     Wind |     2.1 | 
| Drape of Harmony                 |     Wind |     2.2 | 
| Strategist's Dart                |     Wind |     2.2 | 
| Shield of Crystallized Music     |     Wind |     2.2 | 
| Jherek's Broken Horns            |     Wind |     2.2 | 
| Coda                             |     Wind |     2.2 | 
| Cloudborn Slippers               |     Wind |     2.2 | 
| Flute of the Fribbit             |     Wind |     2.2 | 
| Melodic Boots                    |     Wind |     2.3 | 
| Flute of Flowing Wind            |     Wind |     2.3 | 
| Veil of Concubinage              |     Wind |     2.3 | 
| Amulet of Icewind                |     Wind |     2.3 | 
| Flute of Calling                 |     Wind |     2.3 | 
| Phalanx, Barricade of the Many   |     Wind |     2.4 | 
| Oak-stem Flute                   |     Wind |     2.4 | 
| Helmet of Stinging Strikes       |     Wind |     2.4 | 
| Dirgesoul                        |     Wind |     2.5 | 
| Bellowing Brace                  |     Wind |     2.5 | 
| Flute of Floating Spores         |     Wind |     2.5 | 
| Dragonbone Flute                 |     Wind |     2.5 | 
| Skinned Hide Flute               |     Wind |     2.5 | 
| Bracelet of Shadowed Winds       |     Wind |     2.5 | 
| Galeforce, The Eye's Edge        |     Wind |     2.6 | 
| Choker of 1000 Teeth             |     Wind |     2.7 | 
| Hurricane                        |     Wind |     2.7 | 
| Dhathrael, Guise of the Guardian |     Wind |     2.7 | 
| Rise of the Fallen               |     Wind |     2.7 | 
| Flowing Wind Wisps               |     Wind |     2.8 | 
| Call of the Ancient              |     Wind |     3.0 | 
| Piccolo of Petrified Winds       |     Wind |     3.0 | 

| name                                        | bardtype | bardmod |
| Sand Lord's Trinket                         |   String |     1.2 | 
| Halfling Lyre                               |   String |     1.3 | 
| Redmaw Fin Mantle                           |   String |     1.4 | 
| Transplanted Larynx                         |   String |     1.5 | 
| Helm of the Requiem                         |   String |     1.5 | 
| Helm of Dissonance                          |   String |     1.6 | 
| Woven Harmony Petal                         |   String |     1.7 | 
| Heartseeker                                 |   String |     1.7 | 
| Siphoning Root                              |   String |     1.8 | 
| Flowmetal Drivechain                        |   String |     1.9 | 
| Crystallized Current                        |   String |     2.0 | 
| White Trousers                              |   String |     2.0 | 
| Flowing Spirit Cord                         |   String |     2.0 | 
| Pixie Lute                                  |   String |     2.0 | 
| Lute                                        |   String |     2.0 | 
| Harp of Dragon Flame                        |   String |     2.1 | 
| Garland of the Sylph                        |   String |     2.1 | 
| Blindfold of Nausea                         |   String |     2.1 | 
| Worm-Eaten Mastercrafted Lute               |   String |     2.1 | 
| Anathemer's Mystic Belt                     |   String |     2.1 | 
| Mastercrafted Lute                          |   String |     2.1 | 
| Gleam of Elael's Radiance                   |   String |     2.2 | 
| Sinew of the Stalker                        |   String |     2.2 | 
| Staff of the Grove                          |   String |     2.2 | 
| Roaring Mandolin of Lions                   |   String |     2.2 | 
| Fasal's Tear                                |   String |     2.2 | 
| Boots of Trepidation                        |   String |     2.2 | 
| Mandolin of Harmonious Melodies             |   String |     2.2 | 
| Jy'xja's Evanescent Stone                   |   String |     2.3 | 
| Exquisite Redwood Lute                      |   String |     2.3 | 
| Lavadancers                                 |   String |     2.3 | 
| Dripping Amorphous Gauntlets                |   String |     2.3 | 
| Deathless Gauntlets                         |   String |     2.4 | 
| Constructed Lute                            |   String |     2.4 | 
| Anklet of Dancing Flames                    |   String |     2.4 | 
| Echocrystal Band                            |   String |     2.4 | 
| Ubax-Un, Legs of the Shackled               |   String |     2.5 | 
| Firesong                                    |   String |     2.5 | 
| Steely Bark Sleeves                         |   String |     2.5 | 
| The Star of Dawn                            |   String |     2.5 | 
| Rest to the Cacophony                       |   String |     2.6 | 
| Sitar of the Pure-hearted                   |   String |     2.6 | 
| Strings of the Marching Dead                |   String |     2.7 | 
| Lcea's Mandolin of the Seas                 |   String |     2.7 | 
| Blazewind, Matriarch of the Scorching Skies |   String |     2.8 | 
| Strings of the Gelid                        |   String |     2.9 | 

| name                             | bardtype | bardmod |
| Pre Sentient Yclistinite Pick    |    Brass |     0.1 | 
| Bronze Horn                      |    Brass |     0.2 | 
| Tin Horn                         |    Brass |     0.2 | 
| Fleshflower Cloak                |    Brass |     1.3 | 
| Embroidered Baldric              |    Brass |     1.5 | 
| Boots of the Requiem             |    Brass |     1.5 | 
| Howling Blade                    |    Brass |     1.6 | 
| Boots of Dissonance              |    Brass |     1.6 | 
| Armguards of Psychotic Mysticism |    Brass |     1.7 | 
| Harmonic Mandible                |    Brass |     1.7 | 
| Gear Inlaid Helm                 |    Brass |     1.7 | 
| Discordant Boots of Mourning     |    Brass |     1.8 | 
| Rotted Dragon Tooth              |    Brass |     1.8 | 
| Braces of Reflective Resonance   |    Brass |     1.8 | 
| Greaves of Embedded Eyes         |    Brass |     1.9 | 
| Stone Carved Buckle              |    Brass |     1.9 | 
| Partisan of the Lost             |    Brass |     2.0 | 
| Horn                             |    Brass |     2.0 | 
| Hookblade of Scourge             |    Brass |     2.0 | 
| Horn of the Commander            |    Brass |     2.1 | 
| Mastercrafted Horn               |    Brass |     2.1 | 
| Horn of the Morning Call         |    Brass |     2.1 | 
| Berserker's Cap                  |    Brass |     2.1 | 
| Bracelet of Agony                |    Brass |     2.2 | 
| Crown of Blackfire               |    Brass |     2.2 | 
| Nightfall Horn                   |    Brass |     2.2 | 
| Golden Cornucopia                |    Brass |     2.2 | 
| Daerosh's Prowess                |    Brass |     2.3 | 
| Herald of the Plague             |    Brass |     2.3 | 
| Shoulderpads of Dark Reflections |    Brass |     2.3 | 
| Scalped Skull                    |    Brass |     2.3 | 
| Hakim Family Spear               |    Brass |     2.3 | 
| Horn of Battle                   |    Brass |     2.4 | 
| Voice of the Ocean               |    Brass |     2.4 | 
| Antimagic Longsword              |    Brass |     2.4 | 
| Melodic Vambraces                |    Brass |     2.4 | 
| Charred Banded Belt              |    Brass |     2.4 | 
| Chaplet of Fiends                |    Brass |     2.5 | 
| Ceremonial Horn                  |    Brass |     2.5 | 
| Bracer of Animism                |    Brass |     2.6 | 
| Shackles of Purgatory            |    Brass |     2.6 | 
| Blizzard Horn of Heralding       |    Brass |     2.6 | 
| Latent Wisp of Fury              |    Brass |     2.6 | 
| Twelve Tone Earring              |    Brass |     2.6 | 
| Fel'talla, Path of the Stars     |    Brass |     2.7 | 
| Blizzard Horn of Heralding       |    Brass |     2.7 | 
| Bugle of Devout Passions         |    Brass |     2.7 | 
| Horn of the Frozen Warlord       |    Brass |     2.9 | 
| Vile Herald of the Conduit       |    Brass |     2.9 | 
| Grime Crusted Shofar             |    Brass |     3.2 | 

| name                             | bardtype | bardmod |
| Hooves of the Red                |     Perc |     1.1 | 
| Mist Stalker Boots               |     Perc |     1.2 | 
| Showman's Bullwhip               |     Perc |     1.2 | 
| Battered Buckler                 |     Perc |     1.2 | 
| Sash of Ethereal Energy          |     Perc |     1.3 | 
| Mutt's Improvised Armor          |     Perc |     1.3 | 
| Greaves of the Requiem           |     Perc |     1.5 | 
| Reverberating Bone               |     Perc |     1.5 | 
| Earthstompers                    |     Perc |     1.6 | 
| Greaves of Dissonance            |     Perc |     1.6 | 
| Signet of Command                |     Perc |     1.6 | 
| Pillars of Repercussion          |     Perc |     1.7 | 
| Bone Bracelet of Calamities      |     Perc |     1.7 | 
| Hollow Golem Head                |     Perc |     1.7 | 
| Animated Dragon Bone             |     Perc |     1.8 | 
| Belt of Gourds                   |     Perc |     1.8 | 
| Tambourine                       |     Perc |     1.8 | 
| Darkwoven Jerkin                 |     Perc |     1.8 | 
| Drum                             |     Perc |     1.8 | 
| Goblin Drum                      |     Perc |     1.9 | 
| Crown of the Forgotten           |     Perc |     1.9 | 
| War Drum                         |     Perc |     1.9 | 
| Treasured Sigil                  |     Perc |     1.9 | 
| Drum of the Shapeshifter         |     Perc |     2.0 | 
| Darkskull Drum                   |     Perc |     2.0 | 
| Mastercrafted Drum               |     Perc |     2.0 | 
| Bone-Heeled Boots                |     Perc |     2.0 | 
| Undigested Collarbone            |     Perc |     2.0 | 
| Lionskin Drums                   |     Perc |     2.1 | 
| Rattling Scale Clogs             |     Perc |     2.1 | 
| Brigandine of Brawn              |     Perc |     2.1 | 
| Embedded Stompers                |     Perc |     2.1 | 
| Sludgeswimmer's Gills            |     Perc |     2.1 | 
| Drum of Beating Bones            |     Perc |     2.1 | 
| Legplates of Perfect Aether      |     Perc |     2.2 | 
| Echo of the Dark Depths          |     Perc |     2.2 | 
| Dancer's Tambourine              |     Perc |     2.2 | 
| Warchanting Veil                 |     Perc |     2.2 | 
| Melodic Legplates                |     Perc |     2.2 | 
| Nemesis                          |     Perc |     2.2 | 
| Flamesong                        |     Perc |     2.3 | 
| Collection of the Decapitated    |     Perc |     2.3 | 
| Choker of Enthralling Rhythms    |     Perc |     2.3 | 
| Craftsman's Masterwork Drum      |     Perc |     2.3 | 
| Pauldrons of the Four            |     Perc |     2.3 | 
| Dragon Skin Drum                 |     Perc |     2.4 | 
| Desperation                      |     Perc |     2.4 | 
| The Funeral's March              |     Perc |     2.4 | 
| Golden Crown of Empire           |     Perc |     2.4 | 
| Epaulets of the Inexorable Dream |     Perc |     2.4 | 
| Tambourine of Nightmares         |     Perc |     2.4 | 
| Earthstomping Clogs              |     Perc |     2.4 | 
| Jur, Seed of Bitter Vengeance    |     Perc |     2.5 | 
| Tabla of Sacred Incantations     |     Perc |     2.5 | 
| Concubine's Tambourine           |     Perc |     2.5 | 
| Mutilated Larynx                 |     Perc |     2.5 | 
| Marching Drum of Freeport        |     Perc |     2.7 | 
| Pulse of the Fellfaith           |     Perc |     3.0 | 
| Burning War Drum                 |     Perc |     3.1 | 
| Claw Battledrum                  |     Perc |     4.0 | 
| March to Strife                  |     Perc |     4.0 | 

| name                                    | bardtype | bardmod |
| Purple Poet Sleeves                     |  Singing |     1.1 | 
| Last Breath of the Buried               |  Singing |     1.2 | 
| Mellifluous Shortsword                  |  Singing |     1.3 | 
| Dawn Ring                               |  Singing |     1.3 | 
| Pendant of Angelic Voices               |  Singing |     1.4 | 
| Basso Ostinato                          |  Singing |     1.4 | 
| Blade of the Silenced                   |  Singing |     1.5 | 
| Stridulatory Wings                      |  Singing |     1.5 | 
| Basso Allegrato                         |  Singing |     1.5 | 
| Reverberating Coil                      |  Singing |     1.6 | 
| Requiem's Final Strike                  |  Singing |     1.6 | 
| Vertigo                                 |  Singing |     1.7 | 
| Kelp Sewn Cloak                         |  Singing |     1.7 | 
| Seraphic Voice, Blade of Angels         |  Singing |     1.7 | 
| Blessed Mask of Salvation               |  Singing |     1.8 | 
| Bloodied Blade of Chanting              |  Singing |     1.8 | 
| Pendant of Soothing Hymns               |  Singing |     1.8 | 
| Ephemeral Sceptre                       |  Singing |     1.9 | 
| Silken Whisper of the Enthralling Voice |  Singing |     2.0 | 
| Dragonbone Hairpin                      |  Singing |     2.0 | 
| Melodic Gauntlets                       |  Singing |     2.0 | 
| Brand of the Merciful                   |  Singing |     2.0 | 
| Resonant Icicle                         |  Singing |     2.1 | 
| Shard of Wailing Voices                 |  Singing |     2.1 | 
| Shackle of Shrieking Shadow             |  Singing |     2.2 | 
| Circlet of Glacial Majesty              |  Singing |     2.2 | 
| Veil of Graceful Discipline             |  Singing |     2.2 | 
| Cloak of the Manipulator                |  Singing |     2.3 | 
| Kara`Kadar's Gills                      |  Singing |     2.4 | 
| Vorrel, Pupil of Frozen Shadow          |  Singing |     2.4 | 
| Rohk's Diamond                          |  Singing |     2.4 | 
| Deception's Laughter                    |  Singing |     2.4 | 
| The Heart of Melody                     |  Singing |     2.6 | 
| Voice of Beyond                         |  Singing |     2.6 | 

| name                                  | bardtype | bardmod |
| Optimum Gear                          |      All |     0.1 | 
| Sash of the Bard                      |      All |     1.1 | 
| Melodic Gem                           |      All |     1.3 | 
| Crystallized Djinni Voice             |      All |     1.4 | 
| Inscription of Lesser Instrumentation |      All |     1.4 | 
| Thingy of the GODS                    |      All |     1.4 | 
| Instrumentist's Gloves                |      All |     1.4 | 
| The Jewel of Gruthluk                 |      All |     1.5 | 
| Gatherbot I's Mechno-arm              |      All |     1.5 | 
| Marlow`s Lullabye                     |      All |     1.5 | 
| Inscription of Instrumentation        |      All |     1.6 | 
| Zorez'Ad, Puppet of the Father        |      All |     1.7 | 
| Blackened Dragonspine Cutlass         |      All |     1.7 | 
| Stoneculler                           |      All |     1.9 | 
| Claw Resonator                        |      All |     2.0 | 
| Xenelaqui, Muse of the Fallen         |      All |     2.3 | 
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