Diablo 3

I made most of it before the AH was completely overrun with bots sniping any cheap item. Manually buying Str+Vit+AllRes armor or similar items that were listed for a fraction of their actual value is where I started, and then things like buying well-rolled legendaries that people listed for cheap because they didn't realize a 20% String of Ears is worth more than 500k because there's dozens of 10% Strings up for that much. I don't think you can still make anywhere near $15/hr unless you're running many AH bots or something but maybe there are still some super profitable niches out there. Nothing I did was all that secret or difficult, I just did it earlier than most people so there wasn't as much competition and the profits were higher.

u r so smart
The game was fun for a week or two. The design was poor, the lag is horrible(anything on battle.net is shit lag), the economy was a disaster, and my Demon Hunter gets 1shot by anything Act2-Act4. Dying due to lag, a spear throwing prick you couldn't see on screen, and having the attack speed and nether tentacle nerf patch was what caused me to quit. At least I was given the game as a gift, because if I had spent 60 dollars of my own money I would've been a sad panda.
If you get oneshot by everything past Act 1, it's because you either stacked DPS and ignored everything else, or you're wearing almost no Inferno items. Both of which can be fixed very easily.
One again, you're generalizing my build and my item set-up, which is pretty dumb. I know, you made a million dollars and became a retiree from D3 so I won't argue with you about this. But no, really, I'm not the only person who has had that issue. I know it is shocking to believe that.
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It was quite a terrible game. One of the worst investment in my life regarding a game. They have a lot of audacity releasing a game that shitty, having massively shitty servers on the first 3-4 days and then act like nothing happened.

Everything in that game screamed ; I want to fuck you in the ass and take all your money before and after.

The bullshit auction house, the progression, the difficulty of the game in Inferno.

I wouldn't mind the difficulty that much if the first three difficulties would last more than 2-3 hours each but that's insulting. I hope they stop the Diablo series right here. I wouldn't want to stop playing D1 and D2 because I despise them so much!
I probably should have returned my diablo 3 when Slaariel did. I didn't, so now I have 60 less dollars and a broken game that I might come back to in a year or two when it is patched up (if that happens).
Well First off Blizz has done nothing but shit all over my time spent playing wow. Some noob huntard with 25 days played probably has more hp ac then my 350 day warrior. I guess its healthy for a game but what ever.
Diablo 3 has probably only just a few remaining staff members that made Diablo 2. Diablo 3 is going to be a cash cow, and full of gimics.
They just added Pet fighting into wow. PET FIGHTING..................................

In retrospective this is exactly what happened. They have since then made some changes to D3 that are MUCH better. Monster power and Ubers were a nice but non creative addition to D3 but its a good start.
In retrospective this is exactly what happened. They have since then made some changes to D3 that are MUCH better. Monster power and Ubers were a nice but non creative addition to D3 but its a good start.

I haven't played in maybe 2 months but enjoyed the play through. I got my barb about 1/3 through inferno act 3, before calling a quits. I might jump back in when I need a break from EQ, but we will see about that...

Really, repeating the exact same acts on different difficulty levels gets old quickly. I did not really love the story, but I really think the story should have expanded with each difficulty level. At least that would give me a reason to play through the whole game!
If PVP has DOTA/MOBA game mode and given they improve class balance and build diversity a fair bit Diablo 3 will be a top 5 pvp rpg pc game ever releasd UO, LoL, Nox, Survival Project, and Diablo 3.

What they all share in common? Isometric point of view with rpg game play formula for successful rpg pvp ;) I think they all have fog of war as well except maybe Nox I can't recall if that it or not, but the others all did.

Diablo 3 has flaws that need addressing and you'll be annoyed with it some nights, but then a night or two later you can be completely loving the game again after screwing around with a new class build concept out.

It's fun discovering and trying new build concepts and realizing pvp is virtually guaranteed to be ape shit fun, maybe bit frustrating, and handshake nerve racking, but just the way you could hope and expect it to be.
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