Enable (Some) Leadership AAs by Default


Staff member
Once in a blue moon, a character will load into a zone to find that he inexplicably has access to several leadership AAs that were never implemented in SoD. Pressing L to open the leadership window will reveal this:


All those green ability names are the ones that are apparently active when this bug occurs. Some of these abilities directly aid the player in battle -- such as Health Regeneration, which adds +1 regen per tick to all group members. I can understand why such a thing would be omitted from SoD, especially given the server's problematic history with power creep.

However, many leadership AAs -- such as NPC Health -- are little more than "quality of life" cosmetic conveniences that a modern MMO would give the player without a second thought. (In fact, NPC Health and Health of Target's Target are themselves obsolete in the modern EQ Live client due to an even more convenient "extended targets" window that shows health bars and percentages of numerous targets all at once.) Here is what NPC Health looks like in action while the player is under the effects of this bug:


My favorite of these AAs is Spell Awareness, which fills you in on what spells are being cast around you. Seeing what buffs your groupmates cast is both handy and informative; you can tell at a glance which of the Druids in the raid already cast WoN so the others won't waste their Soulbond AA, for example. Here is what Spell Awareness looks like in action:


Now, my request is this:
Can some of the "cosmetic" leadership AAs be made available to players by default? I have these in mind:
  • NPC Health
  • Inspect Buffs
  • Spell Awareness
  • Health of Target's Target
We know from this bug that these abilities are at least capable of working. And as I stated above, some of them are already obsolete in modern EQ Live due to more comprehensive conveniences given by their much newer client. At a bare minimum, even just granting NPC Health and Spell Awareness would be a huge boon to players without unbalancing things or contributing to power creep.

How feasible is this? How do fellow players feel about this possibility?
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