Giant Bag of Miscellaneous Clockwork Stuff


Dalayan Adventurer
Can the charges on this item be bumped from 6 to 10?

To date I have farmed 44 of these bags and gotten 1 underhill port clicky. I can go upwards of 5 to 6 clears of the camp without seeing 1 powercell. Other times it's mostly 1 cell per clear, uncommon is 2, and rare is getting 3. I know I am dealing with RNG but this quest is very tedious and draining. It seems worse than Vah.

Would it be all too unfair to have a limit on the number of bags that you click or the times the effect is clicked until the guy has mercy upon your soul and just gives you a port clicky for helping him so much. The thurgadin quested port is a nice example. After a while you know you will get it.

At the very least, an increase on the charges would be helpful. Thanks for reading.
there should be a fail safe where you turn in 10 bags to researcher wick or something and he gives you a guaranteed gate clicky. totally stole this idea from someone but it sounded good. RNG sucks =(

This seems like a great, original idea.
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