Hakopta, Queen of Chaos issue


Dalayan Adventurer
Hakopta, Queen of Chaos adept's reward benefit only a small amount of classes, mainly melee/ ranged dps with the high Agi and DeX. The rest of the other classes: tanks, priests, casters have nothing desirable from it and that sets her apart from the other adepts. Not only that, but her drops are easily replaced and they just become a toy for those who want to get the full set for proc. Now if this was an easy adept, probably I will not cared, but its difficulty and undesirable drops does not match how cool the adept is and it really is a fun fight. My suggestion is to add an item she drops that is desirable to casters, priests and tanks. So she will drop 2 set items and the item I suggested. So far this adept ranks a high spot in undesirable loot adepts next to Huntfang and Taurine the Red. Thanks again for reading.
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