
Dalayan Beginner
I've heard things here and there, before I started playing. You know like this game was/is worse than crack to a crack head. I was totally like yeah, ok what ever. until the first night I started playing, I was on for about 12 hours!! the second time was about the same (and every night since). It's a good thing (well maybe not) I am a stay at home mom, other wise I wouldn't get to play for so long! My husband is REALLY regreting getting me this lap top for christmas, it's even gone as far as me bringing it to the dinner table with me!!! It goes everywhere with me now (before I started playing I maybe only touched the lap top 3 times total!!!). The bad thing is that my oldest daughter wants to start playing now, should I let her? If I'm this addicted to the game do you think she might want to start missing school to play? (I would if I were her) So when the server goes down I start freaking out! I have to try to think of something to do, but nothing else interests me. So I have to mope around until it's back up.[/u]
you should let her play but limit her time, cuz eesh i ended up skipping school,until my parents wouldnt even let me touch the computer
Agreed! I was super hooked on EQ for 2-3 years! I started just after the Luclin expansion came out. After awhile
as expansion after expansion came out, it got pretty boring. The challenge seemed to have disappeared. I
read a lot of other people think that too. I tried WoW and it was pretty for about 1-2 months, but it got boring
so quickly! There's no challenge or skill required for that game. I was happy to find this place <3 EQ!
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