Policy Questions Thread

I got banned without warning. I believe it was probably for my name, which didn't explicitly violate the naming rules but may have been seen as offensive. How do I appeal the ban?
I have a somewhat peculiar question.

I played SoD years ago and in that time I made a froglock wizard. I would like to reuse the name I used for that character, unfortunately I'm not sure which account it was under (and none of the e-mail addresses I have used in the period between then and now come up with any accounts, save my current one).

I presume this isn't really something which warrants a full character restore, but is there any way I could get the old character name scrubbed from the game so I can reuse it?
In game macros are acceptable. There is not that option for mining (hate to those that made it so, but I still love you). So, if you use the macro posted on Wiki, you're fine. If you use anything else, like cute keyboard, 3rd party programs, etc., methinks you won't be playing here any longer.
I got banned without warning. I believe it was probably for my name, which didn't explicitly violate the naming rules but may have been seen as offensive. How do I appeal the ban?

Read the forums you're posting in. If you got banned for a name, you were a complete & utter idiot and had something that was so vilely offensive they don't want you. If not, then read the forum on ban appeals.
I have a somewhat peculiar question.

I played SoD years ago and in that time I made a froglock wizard. I would like to reuse the name I used for that character, unfortunately I'm not sure which account it was under (and none of the e-mail addresses I have used in the period between then and now come up with any accounts, save my current one).

I presume this isn't really something which warrants a full character restore, but is there any way I could get the old character name scrubbed from the game so I can reuse it?

Nope, we do not scrub old names, no matter how long the old player hasn't been around, etc. Your only options there are to either a) try and recover the account; or b) choose a new name.
Also since there still seems to be some confusion:
In game macros are acceptable.

This. These are the only macros or macroish things we accept. No keyboard binds, no 3rd party programs (building it yourself is a 3rd party program), no joystick commands, nothing else. Only the in-game macros, and those only work on a few of the tradeskills. And you have to be at your computer, even using these macros.
the 2/3 rule needs to be looked at. It has been stated that guilds cannot do a wing unless they are flagged for it, even if 2/3 of the guild has done it in other guilds etc. So like if you haven't killed melamar as a guild u cannot do farhags.

How to get around? Get enough peeps that have the flag, box in a couple non guilded toons and call it a PICK UP RAID! By this, you never have to get the appropriate flags for your guild. Def not within the spirit of the rules, and very shady IMO.


This really needs to be addressed.
Here's the post that outlines what happens in this type of situation. A guild can bypass content as long as all or most of the members are keyed. Doesn't sound like the rule was meant to allow a guild to skip killing a flag mob on their own tier.

If every single one of your mains are flagged, then you don't need to re-do the content. It wouldn't make sense for us to force overgeared guilds to go back and re-do GotSS just to do their IP or IS content in prison. But, if your guild is on the threshold, and 2/3 have keys but you're a new guild, then your guild, as an entity, needs to do the content that gets you into the places you're raiding.

A little bit of common sense here goes a long way. Obviously we don't want to create congestion in tiers 3-5 when a new guild forms with many tier 7-8 players. But those players really should do any tier 6/7 flagging if they want to do tier 7/8 content.

My personal take on keying is that it should go away entirely. There is a ton of content that doesn't require keying and the only time it's really comes up is when a mob that drops excessively good loot for it's difficulty is hidden behind a "door" that requires a key from a more difficult mob.
Originally Posted by Allielyn View Post
If every single one of your mains are flagged, then you don't need to re-do the content. It wouldn't make sense for us to force overgeared guilds to go back and re-do GotSS just to do their IP or IS content in prison. But, if your guild is on the threshold, and 2/3 have keys but you're a new guild, then your guild, as an entity, needs to do the content that gets you into the places you're raiding.

A little bit of common sense here goes a long way. Obviously we don't want to create congestion in tiers 3-5 when a new guild forms with many tier 7-8 players. But those players really should do any tier 6/7 flagging if they want to do tier 7/8 content.

OK so you are supposed to flag your guild for on tier content. Even if you have some members that came from other guilds that have the flag etc. With the 2/3 rule, you can box in a couple flagged not guild toons and call it a pug. This effectively is content skipping IMO.

This could set a standard for all guilds to bend the rules on flagging, content skipping, etc.

We didnt go to farhags till we had all the flags. We didnt do the well till we had all the flags as a guild.

Did we have enough peeps like oum and shalt and thaf etc that had done it before?? Yes.

BUT we didn't box in a couple of rev, go to farhags and say "this is a pug, we meet 2/3 rule".
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OK so you are supposed to flag your guild for on tier content. Even if you have some members that came from other guilds that have the flag etc. With the 2/3 rule, you can box in a couple flagged not guild toons and call it a pug. This effectively is content skipping IMO.

Right - I guess the real question here is at what point do you cross the threshold from guild raiding to PUG. It's a question that has other implications e.g., one claim per guild.
The current precedent is that if you try to rebrand your guild raid as a pickup raid to use the 2/3 rule instead of the "the guild has done the prerequisite content" paradigm, that won't fly. This is a judgment call to be made by the GM handling the petition/situation at the time.

Re-tagging characters to be "in the guild" and trying to pursue some kind of "past that tier" argument is nothing short of trying to skirt the rules and deceive staff.
This policy is basically a sort of loose structure, with the 2/3 rule being implemented but people bypassing it a number of different ways. I mean, this goes back to pickup raids and logging random chars in which begs the question of whether or not a person or guild is flagged. I would tend to agree, it could use clarification.
I would like some official word concerning this issue. The loop holes that are forming everyday to bypass the rules is getting extremely out of hand.
A good solution would be to scrap the 2/3 rule and make it so EVERY guild in a PU raid has to be flagged.

Example (I'm throwing out random guild names so don't look into it): Ethereal and Amicii could raid Farhags. 6 Ethereal and 4 Iratus and 2 Bane and 6 PR could not because Iratus is not flagged (Even if every actual toon has the flag).

This solves a number of problems, like the issue that happened today. (12 Iratus with like 2 exo and 1 w/e other guild but meeting the 2/3 rule [I can't remember the exact numbers]) It also makes guilds have to work together and progress together to earn their loot, etc.

It also solves other problems like (remember random guild names here) 12 Chaotic Winds and 6 Moontree going to Upper Thaz.
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Allielyn said:
If every single one of your mains are flagged, then you don't need to re-do the content. It wouldn't make sense for us to force overgeared guilds to go back and re-do GotSS just to do their IP or IS content in prison. But, if your guild is on the threshold, and 2/3 have keys but you're a new guild, then your guild, as an entity, needs to do the content that gets you into the places you're raiding.

A little bit of common sense here goes a long way. Obviously we don't want to create congestion in tiers 3-5 when a new guild forms with many tier 7-8 players. But those players really should do any tier 6/7 flagging if they want to do tier 7/8 content.

To be honest, this still looks incredibly clear to me.

What I read in the last 5 posts or so is either some guild that got nailed for trying to be as close to the edge of the rules as possible coming in here to 'clarify'; or some guild that lost a claim to a guild trying to be as close to the edge of the rules as possible.

If you want to be safe, then stick with the clear intent and spirit of the rules, and don't use keys you didn't earn to bypass content you can't do. It's pretty clear that bringing in 6 [Guild A] members, 2 of which are flagged, and having them each bot a [Guild B] member, each of which is flagged, for a total of 8 flagged members in a 12 person "pick-up" raid, is skirting the line of appropriate flagging.

While it is generally not practical for us to police this kind of thing in every instance, be aware that when we see it (or when it's reported to us) we will distribute jail time and revoked loot to the guild and raid leadership of the offending guild, as well as any characters who are whored out in this manner. This goes for any shady min-maxing.

The rule will quite intentionally remain as-is for now. In some cases, clarifying rules with exactness just gives players a more clear path on how to violate the spirit of them.

Think of this like the Don't-be-a-jerk rule. You *might* get away with it, once or twice. After that, it's jail time and a rap sheet. (Yes, we keep logs).
I don't think you've addressed the issue that needs clarification. The question that underlies Renshu's clarification request is: Can a raid that consists of 80% members of a single guild be considered a PUG?

The issue does genuinely need clarification; both CW and Ethereal thought that the raid in question could be easily classified as a guild raid, but where told by a GM that it was a PUG.

Edit: I don't want the above post to be misconstrued as a request for an extremely specific definition of a PUG, but one that a reasonable person could use to distinguish between a guild raid with a few guests and a PUG would be nice.
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