Seeking a tailor


Dalayan Beginner
My friends are I are farming mats for shadow silk armor. We are looking for a tailor who will combine the mats for us for a fee. Would anyone be willing to do this?
I know I will sound greedy BUT I have maxed my tailoring and I do SS gear every now and then, but why would I do combines for FREE for a person I have never ever heard of?

Tailors make money from making the gear, so if we combine it for you we loose cash indirectly. If you on the other hand offer something in return for the combine (materials/cash/whatever), it would be a totally different story. I bet no tailor skilled up to max for free or just for the fun of skilling it up.

But maybe you guys get lucky and find someone that wants to combine it for ya, though I find that a bit hard to believe. But its almost christmas, so who knows...
PMs activated!

And yes, we are paying for this service. I would NEVER expect someone who has gone through the pain of tradeskilling to click "combine" for free for someone they do not know.
*rofl* We where two that read this post with "free" and not "fee" Im sorry for this mistake, next time I will sleep before I read a post so I read what it says and nothing else.
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