The Bearers of Truth


--Out of Character Information--

What are the Bearers of Truth?

The Bearers of Truth is a quasi-guild run by the staff to gather players that are interested in roleplaying and storyline events, so that we can run events and advance the storyline without the fame-point whiners and other annoying people who inevitably ruin the in-character feeling for pretty much everyone else.

How do I join the Bearers of Truth?

You must speak to The Prophet or one of his Enlightened Ones, show that you understand the vision of the Cult, and agree with it. You will then be given the Mark of Truth, which displays as a *RP* tag following your name, and enables you to use /cm rt <text> to speak in the cult-only channel, where you can roleplay, chat about the lore and story, and be called to smaller events going on.

Can I join even if I'm in a guild?

Yes. The BoT is not an actual guild, so you can be in whichever guild you want to and still be a Bearer.

How do I talk in CultChat?

Use /cm rt <text>. This will show up as a modified version of guild chat in the chatboxes of other Bearers.

What are the rules of being a Bearer?

- You MUST stay in-character on events.
- You will need to have a basic grasp of what the character you play is like, his or her background, rough personality traits, just a general idea of who she or he is.
- It's fine to be out of character in the cult channel, but don't use it for stupid things like buying or selling, trying to get the attention of the GMs, or otherwise using it for stupid purposes. Roleplaying is encouraged but not enforced in the channel.
- I repeat once again, BE IN CHARACTER ON THE EVENTS. This concerns the public /say and /shout channels. Don't go "LOL" "65 wiz LFG!" or "ne fmae points???"
- The Bearers of Truth are for people interested in lore, roleplaying, and the in-game world. It is not a club where you can hang out with GMs. Don't treat it like one.

The key phrase

In order to be admitted, to show that you have read this post, say the following phrase to a GM doing the marking: "I bear the truth."
--In Character Information--

Log of the Prophet's speech.

The Prophet says, 'Welcome, all. I have called you, just as you have been called in your dreams, because you are all part of the greater picture. There are countless being living their lives over the face of Dalaya, and all serve a purpose, but yours is special.
The Prophet says, 'Your purpose is to change the very fate of the world, one way or another. You may use different means to accomplish this, and you may seek different ends, but in the end, you all cooperate in accordance with the will of the Lord of Fate.'
The Prophet says, 'Let me tell you of the Lord of Fate.'
The Prophet says, 'Forget all that you know of the petty Gods that rule over this world. They are powerful by mortal standards - truthfully by any standards - but in the end, they are as fallible as mortal creatures, and simply pieces of the puzzle.'
The Prophet says, 'The Lord of Fate is no mere elemental spirit, or gathering of energy presiding over a single little world. He is the will, the shaper, the weaver. Understand, however, that the futures he weave are many. There is not one set future, and each creature has the potential to affect which future the world is brought into. This is a necessity, for if there was only a single possible path, then existance would be meaningless, would it not?'
The Prophet says, 'Equally, once you understand that the future is moldable, you must also understand that there is one future that is *right*. One future that the universe strives to achieve, one future that will unbind all the constraints that this existence places on its sea of souls. This is the future that the weaver wishes us to reach. He could force us, yes. This is a possibility.'
The Prophet says, 'This is why I am called a prophet. I speak of what may come, and what SHOULD come, but yet must be struggled for.'
The Prophet says, 'For this reason, the weaver has lent me his voice, his sight, insight into the true path of the creatures of this world.'
The Prophet says, 'Just as there is one true future, each of you have a True Path, a path to follow that will lend your assistance to the bringing about of the correct future, the determined future.'
The Prophet says, 'In truth, every creature in existance has a True Path, but for many, it is minor, and varies little. A baker needs do nothing but continue to bake, but for those whose True Path involves battle and blood, it is more complex.'
The Prophet says, 'There are actions along the way which might seem evil, or opposed to your views of the world, or equally may be too selfless for your taste. You may be asked to do these things, and again, you must choose which you value more. No hand can be forced in this matter.'
The Prophet says, 'This is what it is to be a Bearer. It is to accept that your True Path exists, and seek it, hunt for it, and once you find it, to walk it.'
The Prophet says, 'It is a path of self-fulfillment, a path of understanding.'
The Prophet says, 'For each, the path will be different, but every path involves one important part.'
The Prophet says, 'You must involve yourself in the world. You must see its changes, seek to understand the goals of other creatures and powers, learn of the true face of the Gods and their games.'
The Prophet says, 'This is why the Bearers must gather together, for some things cannot be learned alone.'
The Prophet says, 'The Bearers must accept the mark, and seek to strive in unity to gather the necessary understanding.'
The Prophet says, 'The Gods are not my enemy, though they may be yours, that is your choice to make.'
The Prophet says, 'They are simply the same as you, parts of the tapestry, though their parts are greater, and many of them have lost their way.'
The Prophet says, 'That is one of the things you will come to understand as a Bearer.'
The Prophet says, 'How this entire world has lost its way, and what will happen if it does not find it again.'
The Prophet says, 'This, a ruin-city, a monument to what once was, is an accurate picture of Dalaya as a whole.'
The Prophet says, 'Yes! You understand. In time, people may come to return to this city. The mist may come to be driven out of the forest.'
The Prophet says, 'And equally, the world may be set back in its True Path. Those who ask for rewards, should understand that there is no reward greater than the True Path.'
The Prophet says, 'It will bring you all your hearts' desires, though you may not know what they are.'
The Prophet says, 'You may doubt my words, but think of my offer. I offer you understanding. I offer you a way for insight. How you use this insight will be entirely in your hands.'
The Prophet says, 'I make no demands except that you listen, and seek for your True Path.'
The Prophet says, 'Those who wish to bear the Mark of Truth, those who wish to be Bearers of Truth, may follow me. Those who deny the truth may leave.'
Several folks still have the flag and are able to use the chat channel, but active is not a word I would use to describe anything about The Bearers of Truth.

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