The sub level 50(lv 60?) levels are desolate

Regarding the mouse issues,

... Sometimes I wonder if folks even remember the way things are supposed to work after playing here for a while. You get used to it...

To be honest, I had no idea the mouselook was broken until reading this thread. If I understand the issue correctly, it's the type of thing that will bother some players and not others. As an extreme case in point: I haven't used a mouse in years - it's just not necessary or convenient for me; although I suppose this may be partially due to the fact that mouselook never worked properly to begin with (not so much of a loss to play without the mouse).

Anyway, enjoyed reading this thread! Some great ideas. It definitely gave me more hope for the future. I especially like the exp-potion-deleveling concept (maybe that's the same as shrouds, I'm not sure). Anyway, would be wonderful to be able to play your mains in old familiar content, help out new players, and make some new friends in the process.
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