uknown db string error?


Dalayan Beginner
Help! At character creation it says "Unknown DB String" in the description window when I try to select my character's religion or city.

For example:

If I try to select Althuna as my religion it will say Unknown DB String 208-14
Or if I select West Freeport as a starting city it'll say Unknown DB String 9-15

Is there any way to fix this?
Starting cities are predetermined for every race/class combination. Players get no options like they did on EQ Live despite what the character creation screen says.

Deity choice is made well after your character has already been "born" by visiting the Island of Voices in the Sea of Swords and completing the Gods and Mortals quest. Most players will put this off until well into the game (sometimes even up into the raid tiers), and it is not advised for new players to choose a deity without thinking hard about it. I recommend perusing the Religion and Alignment articles on the wiki to help inform your decision before pledging.

Don't worry, the character creation engine is working (mostly) as intended. The errors you mention are only superficial. :)
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