Yrda the Fence


Dalayan Beginner
Yrda the Fence, in NNP, used to give chaotic alignment hits when I did her quest. Now when I do the turnins, I either 1) don't get an alignment hit or 2) don't get any message regarding the alignment hit. I was wondering which case it was, and whether it is intentional or not.

I don't have any first hand knowledge of any changes, but I do know that it was discussed in other alignment related threads that this quest made gaining chaotic alignment for rogues WAY too easy compared to everyone else, so I wouldn't be surprised if the alignment hit was removed.
many quests are only repeatable a certain number of times (variable on a quest by quest basis) for rewards of cash, faction, items, or aligment points.
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This is the first time I did this quest on this character, and no hit. It would be nice to at least restore some alignment hits, maybe for the first 4-8 turnins instead of none at all.
I recall we had discussed 5 (like most repeatable quests with rewards of any kind), and I'm fairly certain I'm the one who changed it and just did it lazily. Expect it to be changed to 5.
Thanks Cyzaine, how would this affect me though, since I already did 4-5? turnins w/o any alignment change. Could you reset my flag to 0 so I can do them?

Upon further testing, this quest IS working, just the messages are broken. Tbh the alignment hit is so tiny that a stack of 12 only gave me +1%. I suggest if you were to change the turnin limit to 5, I think the reward should be higher per turnin (as it is, 5 wouldn't even give any noticeable change). Or just add messages to what now appears to be working.
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