SK specific Pets/Weps


Dalayan Adventurer
I think SK should get better looking pets like "a visitor" from Cesspits, spectres, ghosts, or even Dwarves. Pet skins to add some exclusivity to the class and to look nicer.

Also, Scythes should be a prominent weapon graphic for SK. How about adding some nice Scythes for low-mid level SK. Looks cool and evil like SK should.

Is any of this possible?
My pet [22 SK pet spell] is essentially a second DoT. 2 DoT > 1. At least it could look better.
I think pets proccing life spike or some kind of leech spell would be great.
There aren't that many truly global models to pull from IIRC, and adding others as pets would mean they would be needed to be force loaded into every zone. This causes lots of unhappy problems behind the scenes that have been gone over many, many times in previous threads, so feel free to check those out.

On the other hand, your mention of pet skins brings up the idea that there could be some interesting texture stuff done to existing pet models. I don't really know what's possible, kosher, or even low-time-investment enough to be viable there, but it seems there just might be some promise to that.

Having lots of scythes could be difficult, as a lot of SK weapons before 65 are mostly balanced around being for tanks, not just SKs. This means having a 2 hand slashing weapon is probably for Warrior, Shadowknight, Paladin, and maybe ranger. If there were a lot of scythes to improve Shadowknight immersion, you would just as easily have those scythes either breaking paladin immersion or causing itemization issues. If there was a neat way around the itemization issue, then I'd be on board.

Shadowknight pets are basically just really lower level necro pets, so they don't get too much by level 65. However, they do change models a couple times and eventually get a lifetap, so you may want to look into that. Check it out here:
Having lots of scythes could be difficult, as a lot of SK weapons before 65 are mostly balanced around being for tanks, not just SKs. This means having a 2 hand slashing weapon is probably for Warrior, Shadowknight, Paladin, and maybe ranger. If there were a lot of scythes to improve Shadowknight immersion, you would just as easily have those scythes either breaking paladin immersion or causing itemization issues. If there was a neat way around the itemization issue, then I'd be on board.

I should rephrase my comment. I think there should be more Scythes in general for Tank classes. I feel the Scythe should be more prominent in the 2H slash arsenal, not just for SK. As an SK, I'd choose the scythe because it looks great for the class. There are plenty of Swords and Blunt styles for all melee class, so immersion would be a choice, I'd simply choose the gnarlier graphic to match with my Skeleton pet.

And as for the pet utility, Its ok its weak because its the lower level Necro pet, not a problem, It could stand to look cooler is all.

Admin/GM feedback on possibilities....and/or links to previous similar threads/answers ?
the model for silver is global adn would make a pretty cool sk pet. also i think just giving sks a low level necro pet is a little dated... with rangers having decent pets and druids also getting one in the last few years.. maybe make a new pet spell for sks that is at the same level dps wise as the low necro pet but bump it up hp and level wise. they deserve a pet that cons dark blue for buffs and what not.
Giving it more HP and higher level would be great to give it more survivability(sp?). Maybe allow SK to cast Vampiric Embrace/Grim Aura on it.
It will do damage and help aux and look cool. Over 1/2 my decisions on gear revolve around looks so how it looks is important.
Beef it up. Give it Vampiric Embrace, more DPS and/or more HP/AC. When i Fight two NPC my pet dies in a matter of seconds.
Pet is more of a novelty to me at this low level. I give it Shrink and a Scythe as a trophy.

More Scythe with neat graphics. Like the Spectre scythe
Giving sk pets the ability to cat one of the group buffs (maybe through a weapon proc on a scythe they are summoned with) would be cool.
How about -

Spell: Pewaa's Scrimf

- Increase your STR by +20 while your pet is alive.

Spell: Pewaa's Gift

- Summons a magic weapon (Spectre Scythe) with an HP leech proc
Pet only

Gift will increase pet's longevity to keep you scrong.
I just want to be able to have my pet receive some of the relic buffs that are doled out.

even as it is now, my sk pet can't get dwarf illusion because its level is too low. lol really?
a few years ago, he was able to get this, but something has changed.. not sure why as sk pets never needed to be nerfed, ever.
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