We have created a Shards of Dalaya YouTube channel to try and better organize all the SoD videos out there! Please give it a gander and perhaps subscribe if you like what you see! (It is very much a work in progress so be sure to be gentle.) If you would like any of your SoD related video work to be added to the channel please PM Waldoff on the forums with the link or file!
Shards of Dalaya YouTube Channel
In conjunction with this we have also created a streamlined way for you to earn fame while promoting the server. Check these opportunities out here.
On the Ikisith front things are going fairly well. The first six zones are almost completely done with a fair amount of work being spread around all other areas. Of course thats completely ignoring the huge amount of work that has been put into spells, items, abilities, tomes and the like that have been put in since the teaser post.
So what exactly have we been doing?
Our local coder Gunder has been slaving away plugging memory holes to make way for the extra server load and new features. Tyrsell has been focusing on the Deity quests but has still had time to almost completely finish a zone or two. Xardon spent hours getting all the zonelines functioning and streamlined. Finally Zaela has been trying her hand at zone creation instead of item creation. Not only is her zone beginning to shape up very nicely but she has not broken the server even once doing it. Now you might think that is not the most impressive statistic but compare it to my first zone (3 server breaks) or Tyrsell's (1209.5 server breaks*) and you begin to see the picture.
Till the next update! Perhaps with a bit of tome teasers.
*Dalayan Census Bureau - 4689 AF Statistics. Estimated to the nearest half server break. |