Running Shards of Dalaya is not free. The server box that SoD relies on to handle its hardware and bandwidth needs is rented from a colo, and too expensive for the server admin to pay for on his own. In essence, SoD needs donations to stay on its feet.
While donations are not required to play on SoD, they are required - if not from everyone, then at least from a good amount of people - to keep the server up. Some servers offer good equipment, levels, or other advantages for donations. We don't. We don't believe in buying your equipment with real life money. But, we do offer our thanks through recognition in-game, as well as a few perks and "toy" items outlined below. We also offer you our gratititude.
Be aware that all donations go straight to the server for maintenance, bandwidth and other upkeep. The staff of Shards of Dalaya are volunteers - all money goes towards the server.
Our donation system is quick and easy to use. It takes less than a minute to set up an account, and allows us to flag your in game character for donation rewards instantaneously. The portal also allows you to donate a lump sum, and automatically put it towards a subscription. Thank you for allowing us to continue to build our game, and we hope to provide rewarding experiences far into the future!
Please click here to access our secure donation portal.