Two bits of news to share:
- There was ambiguity in whether pet pulling the overgrown szithri in Abyss through nearby non-social trash was intended. Upon review of the code, it was clear that this was NOT the intent, therefore the encounter has been slightly modified. If that's how you used to pull it, you might want to adjust your strategy a bit.
- Someone upgraded the wards in and around Spires of Saitha. The sewer wards AND inside wards should now remember you once you've presented appropriate identification, eliminating the need to bring it each time. This won't show up in your keyring until next patch (it's a flag, not a true key). Please let Taryth know if any problems arise, especially inside. Until the change has been in for awhile, I'd recommend against trashing your scrolls. You know, just in case.
-t |