Patch Notes - 4/21/15

Most of the patch stuff is in preparation for Beastlord changes, most of which I expect to roll this week. However, as of right now the following are available:

- Gelid Blood - a lower-level version of the new BL cold dot line is in game. I haven't put it on merchants yet, but it will be buyable sometime this week

- Spirit Speed AA has been replaced by Hakahm's Companion Curse. This allows all non-charmed pets (not just the BL!) to crit for its 24 second duration

- Plague should no longer be available to BLs (replaced by cold dot line)

Once I finish testing stuff, I will turn on the following:

- 2 new stances
- Pet damage ramp up as mob HP decreases
- BL gets a percentage of the above multiplier
- R2 pet improvements
- All pets will proc a stam/mana burst for their masters which scales according to level

Feedback is welcome! Please don't ask for any other changes until these are in,, fully tested and evaluated. Again, I reserve the right to back anything down that ends up being terribly out of whack, though thanks to a lot of tester help, I think that will be minimal.


  21 Apr 2015 - taryth

The Biggest Change to SoD...Possibly Ever

EDIT: Happy April Fools!

So after careful consideration (and a LOT of internal fighting) and feedback from the player community, we have decided to proceed with a server wipe. On the plus side, we were able to keep players intact; we have merely reverted everyone to level 1, removed equipment and such and started everyone back in The Dream.

We know this is a controversial decision, and it's not one we made lightly. Feedback on the forums is welcome, just please keep it civil.

With the rollback however come a couple of new changes for Beastlords:

- 2 new spells are in game, though not yet memmable (obviously it will be a bit before folks get back up to 65). As people progress, I will be working with BLs to make sure we get it right from the start. One is a DoT to replace Plague, though that is still memmable for now.

- Venom of the Wild got a bit of a bump

  01 Apr 2015 - taryth

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