PATCH NOTES - May 30, 2017

-Fixed a bunch of missing models.
-Fixed default bard song window UI. It now shouldn't display 5 blank spots.

  30 Jun 2017 - Slaariel

PATCH NOTES - May 24, 2017

General fixes:
-Fixed a lot of tree models that were showing up as humans(like the ones in Tears of Elael)
-Fixed some broken iksar attack animations
-Updated character select screen to a custom SoD screen.

Item specific fixes:
-Wand of the High Researcher special icon restored (was deprecated in 2.5)
-Ravenclaw now has a range so it's actually usable
-Leonin Bola slots are correct now.
-Kingchitin gear is now bind on equip.
-Sacred Spear of Tarhyl now has a graphic.
-****** Hilted Iron Great Swords are now bind on equip.
-Igneous Cummerbund tweaked to account for the broken worn effect.

Spelling inconsistencies:
-"Banish Summoned" spell (the item) matches the actual spell.
-Lishta's Bracelet and Lishta's Mining Pick were misspelled.
-Nazdrich Claw was misspelled.
Thanks Grinkles for the 99% of the actual content of this patch!
-Dev Rymy

  30 Jun 2017 - Slaariel

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