PATCH NOTES - June 9, 2017

Fixed Refuge quest to no longer kill your bind point and crash zones. Also note that zoning into refuge port should expel you appropriately during this quest line (as was designed)
Thaz earth Boss should be fully functional now. (You can petition if there's still issues with him)
-Dev Rymy

  30 Jun 2017 - Slaariel

PATCH NOTES - June 2, 2017

*** Patch Notes June 2, 2017 ***
The following are just text changes:

Item name fixes:
-Reptile/Amphibian bane now shows correctly on items
-All Instrument modifier now shows correctly on items
-Aug slots are now more appropriately named
-Skill modifiers on items no longer incorrectly say % after their number

UI name fixes:
-Chat window context menus once again have the "Scrollbar" option labeled correctly

AA name fixes:
-Descriptions, typos, and incorrect names should be fixed for all AAs (a handful still reference incorrect spells however).
Character Creation fixes:
-Character creation should no longer reference Norrath
-Deity descriptions are SoD relevant
-Starting town descriptions are SoD relevant
-Fixed a couple of missed description errors.
Misc name fixes:
-Added spell description for Torrent of the Blizzard
-Fixed a couple of missed deity errors

Load screen fixes:
-Updated loading screen art
-The Account button on the login screen now points to the SoD account management page

-Dev Rymy (credit to Haenir for doing all the work)

  30 Jun 2017 - Slaariel

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