Warning of Looming Nerf: Band of Icy Sewage


Staff member
I had redesigned the spell on the band of icy sewage and created something that was much stronger than I had originally intended.

I want to let everybody know that it is being reined in for the next patch.

The damage shield of 55 will remain but the HP component is going to be significantly reduced (to 50hp). The idea is that this item will allow you to stack some extra DS at the expense of your HP.

Now this item can serve its intended purpose of stacking extra DS while tanking trivial content that does not require WoN or Focus.

If you are one of the two people that has this item in its currently very powerful state, please accept my apology for making the broken item that needed to be sandbagged.
I'm back from 5 years in the future. My time machine has broken down and I am here to look for parts.
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