65 rogue 403 aa's started first tome


Dalayan Adventurer
65 rogue
403 aa's
13% into 1st tome
i was in Oathsworn
time zone PST
MQ done up to the Ikisith part.
I have some T7 gear, most is T6

currently for the next 3-4 months my play time will be from 6 or 7 at the latest ( It could also be earlier but unlikely) PST to 11 PST because of sports, so with that said, the next 3 months i would be late to most raids or have to leave early, so that would be my time of getting to know the guild and adapt to how you guys work. After the 3-4 month's are over then my play time will go to about 330 -11 PST which will help me be on time to raids and such.

I have access to a 65 cleric close to done with first tome (noalesa) 65 paladin (cavidar) and then an SK and bard both 65.
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