Blood Tribe


Dalayan Beginner


The Blood Tribe originally formed fromed the Descendants of a band of men and women from many races who watched as those about them struggled on in an eternal war of apathy and aggression against all other beings.  Their standard, of royal blue, crimson and gold, was once far reaching and beknownst to nearly every race and tribe.  They served as advisors to Kings and Emperors who had seen enough war, guiding them to peace and prosperity:  A field of blue symbolizing the saddness  that war had wrought.  A golden shield, smeared with crimson blood, to remind them all of their plight.

Though the original theme, and purpose of the Tribe, has long since faded, those who still seek to promote peace when peace is the propper course, remain triue to their cause.

Level: Any
Race: Any
Allignment: Any
Class: Any
Gender: Any
Other:  Respect and courtesy to all kin.  (Not so hard to ask as it?) No begging.

Application Process / Website:
To apply, simply create an account on our forums at: and post in the application forum.  You may send a /tell to any officer or online member in the game, or PM an officer or admin on the forums to let us know that you have applied.

Additional Information:
We host no mandatory events, though as we grow we plan to hold voluntary raids, and count member poitns for rewards from raids, and the guild bank, etc.
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