General Guild Information


Dalayan Beginner
A mighty hello to all. I'm starting to go up a bit a bit in level and was starting to look at guilds. However as I never played EQL or really any MMORPG I was curious what exactly the etiquette is in terms of guilds and moving about within them.

What I mean is, I am currently a level 32 Shadowknight. If I joined a group now would that totally close off any higher level guilds (like Ruin or Phoenix Rising)? Generally, once people join a guild do they remain there for the rest of their Everquest career or is moving between groups in an attempt to find where you fit ok? :?

When I say moving I don't mean excessive switching. But maybe if I'm in a group a few months and get to a much higher level decide that I may have outgrown the guild I am in and I am then elidgible for higher level requirement guild, would that type of switch be ok? Is joining a guild a major decession I should put off until I become more familiar with more players and available for more requirements or is it ok to try something out and work from there. I don't mean to sound like a flake but I just don't want to join something now and limit my options later. If either experianced players or members of guilds can give me any info. I would really appreciate it. :D
Generally speaking - there is no recourse in switching guilds on occasion. Honestly, most of the high end guilds don't accept below a certain level so it would be to your benifit if you are targeting a raiding guild - join a lower end guild to gain the experience of guild dynamics and hopefully raiding.

There are also occasions where lower end guilds serve as reqruitement type guilds for the higher up guilds.
I cannot speak about PR's policy, best to talk to aratar or aenleun about their particular setup. As for Ruin we have a prospect phase where we see if we are the guild for you and you are the guildie for us. We do not accept below level 50 and recruitment is being cut rapidly for certain class's to best fit our raid model as needed. Generally we tend to scout good players and not particularly class's since you can always change your class for the guild needs. This does not apply to wizards, it is my goal to monopolize all the wr's wizards :finger:
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