Tur'ruj tomes


Dalayan Elder
I know that the end stage of the game isn't something the devs like working on at the current stage in the game.

However the rotting everything in turruj seems like a giant waste of time, loot and class tomes for classes that are not currently even in the raid is something that seems to happen far to often.

Perhaps instead of mobs dropping a random class tome, the system could be changed to drop a "token" of sorts that could be traded to a vendor at tables, however I would recommend making it 3 token for a class 3 and 4 tokens for a class 4, making it 3 bosses kills to get even a single tome. I think at the end of the day this would actually produce slightly more tomes into the game, and also keep morale up in the game. Killing turruj for 2 year without feeling like you're making any headway can be crushing.

Con: newer guild breaking into the zone with untomed characters wouldn't gain tomes as fast as the old system.

Make a mob that spawns when rujik is killed that works on a script like the cod orc that lets the first two people that hail him turn in 2 rot tomes for their choice of 1 tome for their class. (This is something marza did by hand back in the day from what i hear.)

Con: Extremely heavy on the coding side, prone to bugging.

Alternative alternative:
Go with the vendor at tables like suggestion 1, except use the currently dropping tomes as turn ins to obtain the vendor for tokens. Then give the ability to use the tokens to buy tomes for your character. Similar to bounty system. Making the number of tokens needs much higher then suggestion 1 tho. 5 for a rank 3, 7-10 for a rank 4.

Con: I don't see a con to this system.

I would also love to see ANY of these put behind Jubor. Would be cool to encourage people to kill that tribe more often.

Rotting stuff is sad panda. Making rotting stuff useful over time please.
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That's basically how class tomes worked originally. It was good and should have been fleshed out/finalized, instead it was scrapped altogether and people who have been in Tur'ruj for literally years still are missing rather important tomes because the RNG hates them.
I really like this idea. Mostly wanted to post with my new sig. But really I've done turruj almost 2 years now and havn't seen a certain couple tomes, being thats 95% of that time we killed every basement tribe EVERY time it was up and I never missed raids I'd say the tome chances are getting ridiculous (for class tomes).
Yeah, the way RNG can screw people out of huge, irreplaceable, parts of class progression is kind of depressing.

The rujik tome trade in thing was a great idea, and seemed reasonable/balanced to me. (it cost more tomes for each one you received, so it wasn't realistic to just trade in rots for all/lots of your tomes)

Marza told me the only reason it was not in game was because it was a PITA to code. Which I understand, but its pretty depressing after 3+ years of farming the zone.
ju'bor was changed pretty significantly already. it's much more viable to defeat now - however, it is still very difficult, the hardest and longest tribe in the zone. players tend to take the path of least resistance however, and imo it always came down to time dollars: it's likely you can do other things in the same amount of raid time as jubor takes and get more rewards with more regularity. realistically, i think the best approach would be to slap a brand new boss on the end of it and new rewards. to me, the amount of work required it'd take to make it the true 3rd tribe of the zone would be similar. it'd be a compelling place to add in a gapcloser from t12 to t13, which some people (like that #1 wizard above me) think is needed.
Speaking of Turruj books, I think the opus drop rate for rujik could use looked at and adjusted. Being the boss of the zone should probably have the highest drop rate of books. As it is now it seams like more often than not we get 0 opus off it.
Speaking of Turruj books, I think the opus drop rate for rujik could use looked at and adjusted. Being the boss of the zone should probably have the highest drop rate of books. As it is now it seams like more often than not we get 0 opus off it.

dont hijack my thread jerk. =p

ju'bor was changed pretty significantly already. it's much more viable to defeat now - however, it is still very difficult, the hardest and longest tribe in the zone. players tend to take the path of least resistance however, and imo it always came down to time dollars: it's likely you can do other things in the same amount of raid time as jubor takes and get more rewards with more regularity. realistically, i think the best approach would be to slap a brand new boss on the end of it and new rewards. to me, the amount of work required it'd take to make it the true 3rd tribe of the zone would be similar. it'd be a compelling place to add in a gapcloser from t12 to t13, which some people (like that #1 wizard above me) think is needed.
thats why putting the mob(to trade books in) at the end of jubor instead of rujik would be better. u get to trade in books after u beat jubor, wouldnt lock out the guild that are still just breaking into the zone. Would encourage people to kill that monster more.
I really like this idea. Mostly wanted to post with my new sig. But really I've done turruj almost 2 years now and havn't seen a certain couple tomes, being thats 95% of that time we killed every basement tribe EVERY time it was up and I never missed raids I'd say the tome chances are getting ridiculous (for class tomes).
Speaking of your new signature, it is too big and in violation of forum rules. Please adjust that.
Yeah prison parses can be stupid good for wizards dps if they know what they are doing. Yeah tht dps is kinda funny for custo but the. Again they also might be helping with flames for some of tht time.
you are all thread hijacking jerks....

can posts 3 through 13 be deleted?
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My bad, turuj tomes definitely need to be looked at, but unfortunately this has been brought up in the past w/o any staff response other than what I said from Marza.

If it wasn't a PITA to code it would have been in game years ago. Since they got rid of Marza, I have not seen much Dev interest in fixing end game things. I think there is still that "vocal minority" perception, even though at this point it seems like 1/2 or 1/3 of the players online at a given time are high end, or alts of high end players.
put this shit back on topic. i dont know anything about coding too much so what the fuck do i know but honestly like if it was just a token say 1 token per class that dropped instead of class tomes, then you could turn it in to say the dude in Refuge and he would have the 3s and 4s for sale for that currency. don't see how that could be that difficult. but that's just me.
I like the rng part of it somewhat but def think it would be cool if there was a tokening system for the rots.
Like you kill a class 3 dropping tribe and it drops a token called "Third Class Tome Token" and inspecting it it says 1 class. That particular class gets to turn it in in refuge and choose a class tome 3 of their choice. Same thing with 4's. OR you could even go broader and do like Tokens that are NEC MAG WIZ ENC, SHM DRU CLR, etc.
Speaking of your new signature, it is too big and in violation of forum rules. Please adjust that.

Yes. So does his (erude) new one.

Structure Silliness
Your signature may be up too 200 pixels tall (including all images, text and whitespace) and must be undisturbing to the forums as a whole. No retarded seizure pictures, no speedily animated images at all. Furthermore, it may not exceed a total of 64kb in size. This includes avatars.

Your GIF is 663px × 250px. 50 pixels too large. you also have text above that. making it even larger.
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